Going into the Cave


Managing time is an illusion. Time has it's own schedule. We can only work with it. What matters most is how we prioritize our time.

This means focusing on what is important in our lives. I look for a balance of mind, body, and spirit. I meditate morning and night, eat simple nutritious meals, workout a few times a week, and prefer to fill my mind with inspirational knowledge. Creating my personal art projects brings me a sense of well being. Living responsibly, yet passionately.

In the context of our career and work it is the same. If you go to a job that schedule is pretty much set for you . When you freelance or own a business, prioritizing your time is crucial. Having the discipline to meet your deadlines and remain on track with costumer service is necessary to your success. Yet there are times when deadlines loom and parts of your business demand full attention, putting other facets of the game plan on hold. A little crunch time now and again is normal, but if excessive can burn you out.

I am premiering the first episode of my  "Vespertina" books at Comic Con in July, so I will be going into the cave to finish this project. Go to mySpalenka Eyeblog for more info. I will create a kickstarter campaign for this project so you can see how crowd funding can be used as a promotional tool. If you do not see much activity here for the next two months this is why. The online workshops will be ongoing, but before the end of May will be the best time to reach me.

Keep making art everyone!
