Welcome to the Paradigm Art Shift

The Quito Gang, 2009

When Eduardo Villacis, professor/illustrator asked me to present a workshop last year at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador little did I know that Artist As Brand™ which was brewing inside my head for many years would manifest as flame in my heart too. I am committed to empowering truth in us all through art, education and introspection.  When Artist As Brand™ struck such a deep chord with the students in Ecuador it became clear to me this concept of artist entrepreneurialism was meant to be shared. I am amazed at how quickly wings have grown around this idea as it journeys  to other locals . Laguna Beach, Salt Lake & Bountiful UT, Los Angeles venues are lining up.Its exciting to see the enthusiasm in peoples eyes when I mention the ability to connect their heart with their art and their income on their own terms. I'm inspired to shift our perceptions of the ubiquitous corporate model into a new view of possibility. Yes, to paradigms that are good for the heart, mind, spirit, and business too!Stay tuned for the first Artist As Brand™ giveaway! Win a free workshop.PeaceGreg Spalenka