Art of the Launch
Launching any project can take a lot of time and effort, and that is not including the promotion. There are many factors that go into advertising the premier of a product that may have taken a year or more to birth. Business strategist Tara Gentile has some great advice about preparing for a launch and the psychology of your patrons.She says, "Many of my clients come calling because they’ve had the scare of a launch that didn’t preform to their expectations. It’s not because their plans were bad. Nor was it that the product design was subpar. It might not even be that the messaging or positioning was off.Often, it’s because the wham-bam-thank-ya-ma’am style launch that everyone from that super successful life coach to the latest iPhone wonder app developers make look highly effective is actually the wrong choice for most new products or programs.That blitzkrieg-style launch is actually the final iteration of careful planning, testing, and incremental sales cycles.Why is this important?Sure, planning and testing is always a good idea. But really, the reason the initial stages of introducing a new product, program, or service to the public is that there are 3 kinds of good customers and you need to sell to each differently.Moreover, you must sell to each in their own way in the right order. More...